How to reduce agony with a ‘Grief Journal!’
TASK: To create a social media post (carousel) on Grief Journal for an Instagram mental health awareness page in 7 slides.
Slide 1: How to reduce agony with a ‘Grief Journal!’
Slide 2: What is a grief journal?
It is a personal record of your feelings that helps you express your negative emotions or grief through writing.
A grief journal can be any notebook with blank pages to express your pain.
Slide 3: What does a Grief Journal include?
Tasks and prompts that help you accept the reality of the experience.
Activities that monitor your progress and analyze the changes according to the magnitude of grief.
Questions that allow you to imagine yourself in difficult situations, mould your thinking process, and improve your decision-making.
Slide 4: What more can I add to a grief journal?
You can attach pictures and quotes in the journal that motivate you to overcome grief.
A set of questions such as, “To what degree did I experience pain today?” and “How did I deal with it?” allow you to have a conversation with yourself.
Slide 5: Example:
Q: Describe how you feel today in three words.
A: Sad, scared, and lonely.
Q: Name any three activities that help you divert your attention to cope with pain.
A: Music, puzzles, and watering plants.
Q: What is your fondest memory with your loved one?
A: Staying up late and watching our favourite shows together.
Slide 6: Grief Journals helped most people cope with agony and express themselves in the face of adversity.
There is no specific way of writing the journals and no particular format.
Slide 7: If you are in serious need of expressing or overcoming pain, a grief journal can be your listener, but if the grief persists over a while, it is advised to consult a therapist.